From the series Untriggered
Call it “isolation,” “healthy at home,” “social distancing,” or “cabin fever.” These are words thatcapture this idea: nowhere to go, and nothing to do. Couple that with long days, messy homes,heavy workloads and close quarters, and it is an excellent recipe for a stir-crazy household. Andwe’ve all felt it in this season. The conditions seem perfect for restlessness. Yet God is calling usloosen our grip on temporary conditions and take hold of enduring constants. He invites us to apeace that cannot be manufactured by our own strength, and many times he does His best workwhen we feel the weakest. In this season of sheltering-in-place, we have an opportunity to see withour own eyes the God who is our shelter. There may be no better time in our lives than this seasonto put into practice fixing our thoughts on God’s truth and priorities so that we can experience,maybe for the first time, His enduring, unshakeable, unending peace.