Enjoyquick, practical techniques and easy-to-use methods to get God’s Word into your heart for all seasons of your faith, challenging and joyous!
Lay the groundwork for easy Scripture memorization with a lifetime of benefits. This highly visual compact handbook is packed with encouragement, guidance, and trusted methods and routines that work for you. Enjoy having solid techniques at your fingertips, including:
Creating memory triggers
Using multiple learning styles
Linking words to concepts
Comprehensive review and quizzing
Group learning
And many more!
Scripture Memorization is More Important (and Transformative) Than You Think
It’s simple to reach for your smartphone when you need a specific Bible verse, but what if you want to be transformed daily by God’s Word? Or when life-changing decisions put your character to the test? How will you choose humility over pride? Gratitude over jealousy? Taking the high road over sin? Glancing at a verse just once may not have the same impact as reflecting and dwelling on it. However, this is the exciting and pivotal difference that scripture memory can make!
Scripture Memory Made Easy reminds us that taking time to plant God’s Word in our hearts will strengthen our walk with the Lord when we’re faced with every kind of circumstance, from temptation and tribulation to times of joy and thanksgiving. Your goal isn’t to store up verses, but to draw closer to the Lord and become more like Jesus in character and spirit every day.