God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.
Jesus felt no guilt; God wants you to feel no guilt. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to do away with yours. Jesus had no fears; God wants the same for you. Jesus had no anxiety about death; you needn't either. God's desire, his plan, his ultimate goal is to make you into the image of Christ. Not only does God love each of us exactly as we are, he wants us, little by little, to become like him.
He doesn't love us and leave us alone; he loves us enough to live within us, making our hearts his home. But doing so requires a bit of sprucing up, remodeling, refurnishing. Why? Because he wants us to have a heart like his too. Just Like Jesus will teach you how far God will go to transform us into his likeness.
Paperback, 240p