Many deceptive beliefs have moved from popular culture into the church
Dr. Erwin Lutzer, one of America's leading pastors and Bible teachers, believes that the more clearly we see God, the more clearly we can see ourselves. Working from this basic idea, he examines ten misconceptions about God that threaten to cloud our understanding of Him. In this
revealing book, Dr. Lutzer challenges these all-too-common notions and promotes biblically sound beliefs.
Some of the questions answered are:
- Is there more than one path into God's presence?
- Is God obligated to save followers of other religions?
- Does God know our decisions before we make them?
- What is the message of natural disasters?
Answers to these questions aren't always readily apparent. And can anyone really be certain of the answers? Dr. Lutzer examines the half-truths and deceptive beliefs that challenge our understanding of God, faith, and the Bible, and he offers definitive answers that help us forge a stronger, deeper relationship with God.
Paperback, 256p.