Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Everyone Everywhere Series

Romans 9-11

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SKU: LW48024806

Our vision at Southeast is to “Unleash the Full Force of the Church to Love People One at a Time.” We believe it starts right where we are- where we live, work, and play. As a church, we want to reach everyone everywhere, and it starts with each of us having eyes to see the one that God has put uniquely in our path. In Romans 9-11, Paul unpacks the grief and passion he has for the people God has put in his path who don’t believe in Jesus. This is his heartbeat and his focus as he unpacks the faithfulness and trustworthiness of our God who desires that all people would come to know Him. God’s heart and His words displayed a heart for everyone, everywhere. Even God’s people rejected Him, he did not revoke His promise. His proximity reveals His promise. Jesus came to live and walk among us and showed us how our proximity to God’s heart should reflect our proximity to those He loves. In world where we want to have immediate impact – where we want to change the world with a post – Jesus calls us to do the hard work of planting the Gospel in our hearts.






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