Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission


Romans 8:28-30

Transcript Available

SKU: LW4796
Author: Idleman, Kyle

We have a real enemy seeking to discourage us and leave us crippled with insecurity and anxiety. He wants us to forget about the finishing work of the cross, and fall back into a life of slavery to the gods of this world. But we are invited to stand firm, remaining confident in what Jesus has done for us and in the many ways God has been working long before we were ever aware that He was. The good life is a life of confidence that God’s ways are life-giving and the identity He gives us as His children is sure. God doesn’t want us to live blown and tossed by the wind, but walking confidently in all that He has made for us. In Jesus we can be confident that God deeply loves us as His own children, and that as His children, we are living life to the full.

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