Cynthia Yanof knows how sloppy, slippery, and downright hard life can be. But as she reminds us through her laugh-out-loud stories and heartfelt companionship, God’s not surprised when we drop the ball, lose our cool, or struggle to put our Spanx on in the morning. He can use our ridiculous messes and even the really difficult I-didn’t-sign-up-for-this losses to shape us.
In Life Is Messy, God Is Good, Cynthia invites us to reframe our perspective on the challenges we face so we can see God at work—and laugh more along the way. Join her in discovering how:
- We can be faithful to God’s purposes right where we are—baseball carpool, dog groomer, and even chaperoning the dreaded zoo field trip.
- We come to realize one of life’s greatest blessings is a handful of crazy, godly friends (who aren’t afraid to tell you to retire your outfit).
- When we let go of who the world says we should be, we are free to become who God created us to be.
Whether you are navigating a difficult new season, working late on another deadline, or simply horrified that your morning routine now includes plucking chin hair, Life Is Messy, God Is Good offers an encouraging and hilarious reminder that God is at work in you—even in the mess.